

In this endeavor, my aim was to delve into the concept of the "machine" and its implications. I sought to examine the dynamic between the "machine" and the “everyday people”, like ourselves. Are we compelled to defy or conform to the principles ingrained in the system? How can we contemplate strategies for resisting the influence of the machine? Additionally, I pondered the parallels between this and the constraining nature of religion, which often encloses individuals within a multitude of ideals and values. The question arises: How do we liberate ourselves from such constraining occurrences? The use of the CNC engraving on acrylic allows for the text to mask itself. Only with light, can we expose the text to be more legible through the shadow. Similarly, I think about how the system does this.

engrave on acrylic, steel chain, wood, eye screws

18 x 24 inches


Dinner Service


Boundless Light, Infinite Light, and Infinite Wisdom