Lost and Found Series


the fleeting nature of existence, the fragility of memories, and the loss of innocence.

capturing impermanence in a structure. how paradoxical?

Within these sculptures are embedded memories Photographs and relics from the past are preserved in concrete, encapsulating moments that hold a special place in my heart, like days at the beach, Christmas celebrations, or even the remnants of my dad's cigarettes. These bound moments become an integral part of the sculpture, symbolizing our innate desire to cling to these memories. This desire however is juxtaposed with the sculptures' gradual deterioration, reflecting the natural aging and fading of memories over time. 

The sculptures themselves depict a state of decay, highlighting how memories erode with the passage of time. As much as we yearn to preserve these moments, the truth is that we can't. 

Each time the sclutpure is cast, it yields a slightly different outcome underscoring the impermanence of things. Even if we followed the same recipe, the result would still vary, emphasizing that no moment can be perfectly replicated, just as memories themselves evolve and transform with each passing day.

concrete, cnc cut foam casting, embedded memories, galvanized steel wire, mound of dirt and flowers



